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时间:2022-05-17 08:10:08 浏览量:



My mother likes to buy me all kinds of clothes and I dress the beautiful clothes every day. My friends envy me so much, I am so happy that I have a good mother. But the problem comes, my wardrobe is full of clothes and I need to clean it up to save some space. Some clothes that I haven’t dressed for three times and I don’t want to throw them away. I must find a good way to deal with it. Suddenly, I think of my neighbour, she told me last week that there was a church in our town and people always donated clothes there. I think it is a good idea to donate my clothes, I can not only save some space for my wardrobe, but also can help some people. Sometimes a small deed can bring others the great happiness.

推荐访问:衣柜 清理 Wardrobe 清理衣柜 Cleaning Up My Wardrobe 清理衣柜时的心情说说