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时间:2022-05-16 19:35:03 浏览量:



Yesterday, after a long meeting in the class, all the students had been told about the safe issues, then the summer vacation finally came. All of us felt so happy and liked a free bird, rushing to home quickly. I had been looking forward to this holiday for such a long time, I really needed to take some rest after studying for a semester. I have made some plans for my summer vacation. First, I wanted to spend some time to stay with my grandparents. I miss them all the time and they always tell me to visit them when I have the time. My grandma will cook the delicious food for me. Second, I want to read some books I like, such as the fiction books. I don’t have much time to read fiction books because I have to focus on my study. Summer vacation provides the time to adjust myself.

推荐访问:暑假 开始了 Summer 我暑假开始了 My Summer Vacation Begins 我的暑假开始了400字